Sika AnchorFix®-1



Uses As a fast curing anchoring adhesive for all grades of:
 Rebars / reinforcing steel
 Threaded rods
 Bolts and special fastening systems
 Concrete
 Hollow and solid masonry
Prior to any application, the suitability of the Sika AnchorFix® Adhesive for the
substrate in terms of the desired bond strength, and for the prevention of surface
staining or discolouration, must be confirmed by testing in a sample area. This is
due to the wide variation of possible substrates, particularly in terms of strength,
composition and porosity:
 Hard natural stone
 Solid rock
Characteristics /
 Fast curing
 Standard guns can be used
 Can be used at low temperatures
 High load capacity
 Non-sag, even overhead
 Styrene-free
 Low odour
 Low wastage
 No transportation restrictions

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